
Tesla Cybertruck National Tour in China from January 28

Tesla Cybertruck is about to embark on its nationwide tour of China, officially called the “Tesla Cybertruck Off-Road Wagon China Tour.” The tour will visit eight cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Xi’an, Chengdu and Chongqing.

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Tesla unveiled the Cybertruck in November 2019 and deliveries began on November 30, 2023 in the US. Now Tesla’s eyes are on the Chinese market.

The tour starts on January 28 in Xi’an. Tesla’s vice president for external relations, Grace Tao, shared photos taken beneath Xi’an’s ancient city wall. The images show the stainless steel Tesla Cybertruck against the landscape of streets decorated with the historic brown city wall, with Xi’an’s iconic Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in the background.

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Tesla emphasizes the Cybertruck’s role as an off-road touring vehicle, drawing attention away from the image of a conventional pickup. The Cybertruck integrates several technological developments, including the 800V high-voltage battery system that powers the main drive unit and a 48V auxiliary battery system. Unlike the common use of 12V lead-acid batteries in most vehicles, a component prone to maintenance and replacement, Tesla has used 12V lithium-ion auxiliary batteries since 2021. This shift offers a lighter and more durable alternative that matches the lifespan of the vehicle.

In China, the regulations for pick-up trucks are characterized by certain requirements. Such as the mandate to drive in the rightmost slow lane on highways and a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour. This is in contrast to the 120 kilometers per hour allowance for typical passenger cars. Further restrictions include a prescribed period of use of 15 years and restrictions on access to urban areas, although there have been some relaxations of these restrictions in recent times. Whether these regulations will impact Cybertruck sales remains to be seen.

After the initial launch of the Cybertruck in eight cities, Tesla plans to expand its nationwide tour with even more popular models, including the Model S, Model X, Model 3 and Model Y.

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Source: FastTech

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