
CarNewsChina launches Spanish version:

After about a month of beta testing, we have officially launched the Spanish mutation of CNC. The editor-in-chief is a friend of CarNewsChina, Alejandro Pérez, who also runs an influential YouTube channel about Chinese EVs in Spanish.

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When Alejandro contacted me by email in December with the subject line: “Why not in Spanish?” I realized how wonderful our fans and readers at CarNewsChina are, and I would like to take the wheel and express my gratitude to everyone who fueled our exciting journey.

For the CNC team, your support is the catalyst that propels us on this path of demystifying the Chinese car market, which just a few years ago was a black box for many. Thank you.

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CarNewsChina has grown enormously in the past two years. Our hardcore readers, who have been with us since 2010 and remember our articles about China’s copycat cars and the fun we had with them, were joined by many new fans interested in new electric vehicles, flooding China. At one point, a few years ago, we had a daily headline: “Another day, another brand in China,” sometimes even twice. Now the situation is different as consolidation is underway, and only a few of the strongest players will be left out of the hundreds of Chinese EV manufacturers.

This brings me to the question of whether there are certain topics that you miss at CNC, what you like and don’t like and what you would like to see more or less of. Any feedback is appreciated; let me know (email at the end). In traditional media, the flow usually goes in one direction: the magazine writes the story and you consume it. Yet we’ve never thought about CNC this way before – our community is important to us. Your passion, curiosity and love for everything related to cars and innovation continue to inspire us, because those are values ​​we share.

We also have a lot in store for you for 2024. Stay tuned; I’m sure you’ll love it. In addition, if you want to join Alejandro or are thinking of starting a CNC version in your language, please let me know and we can talk, because we would like to support everyone who is passionate about the Chinese car market and who wants to dismantle the black box. the automotive sector of the Middle Kingdom.

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With sincere appreciation,

Jiri & CarNewsChina team


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